Friday, March 25, 2011

Firday, Friday, Friday

First off, Happy Friday!!! The weekend is here. Woot! Woot! I love weekends. Let me count the ways.

1. Saturday Singles at Polka Dot Plum. You can pick up great product for only $1.00. That's right, $1.00. I will be contributing this

You better get them on Saturday, because after that they are back up to the full price of $2.00. You wouldn't want to miss out 50% savings would you?

Now on to the 2nd reason I love the weekends.

2. BBQ. I love cooking on the grill. I love it even more now that I have a NEW grill.

3. Pomegranate Martini's

1-1/4 Absolut Apeach Vodka
3 ounces pomegranate juice
2 ounces fresh squeezed orange juice (I use half of an orange for one drink)
1-1/4 ounces 7-up
Combine the ingredients with ice in a martini shaker, shake approximately 1 minute and strain and serve in chilled martini glass. 1 serving

4. I live in Florida and the pool and the weather are ready for swimming!

What makes you love the weekends?

Here is an update of my laptop fund.

With donations and funds that I have put in to my fund. I am up to $105.00. Thanks to all that have contributed. I only need $595.00 more and I can buy my laptop. Yay me!!

Love, Create and Be Happy


  1. The Pomegranate Martini sounds yummy :) I have family who live in Florida...they love to torment me with how perfect their weather is...LOL I live in the desert where one would expect it to be's not :(

    You're not going to SugarHill or MScraps. Where are you going??????? Inquiring minds need to know....ok, I'm just nosy ;)

    I love every day of the week. That's the joy of being retired. Every day is the same!!!!!!!!! And, I never get bored :)

    Good luck on saving for your laptop.


  2. Trust me the Martini's are FAB!! My Birthday is coming up and I think hubby might be planning something special for me. aka a laptop:)

  3. YAY! You are getting donations, that is SO awesome!!! Congratulations Ang!!!

    I love bbq'ing on the grill!!

    Wish it was warmer here to go swimming already!!
